Getting Fit With Your Children and Help to Stop Obesity in Its Track
Our nation is getting fatter. You don't need any studies to see what is happening. It seems our children are amongst the worst in the world. Despite all the information coming out about the nation's rising obesity level, people are not doing much about it. In years past, parents and their children used to be a lot more active. I can remember getting out and playing in our yard or finding a hill to run up and down on.
Getting Fit With Your Children and Help to Stop Obesity in Its Track
Getting Fit With Your Children and Help to Stop Obesity in Its Track
Getting Fit With Your Children and Help to Stop Obesity in Its Track
Getting Fit With Your Children and Help to Stop Obesity in Its Track
Yet, there is something you can do today. You don't have to go to the gym to get in shape and neither do your children. In fact, you have everything you need to get fit and have fun doing it right at home. Getting your children engaged in physical play with you will get you and them in better condition.
Did you ever play games like TAG or kick ball? If you start your children doing physical play at an early age, chances are they will develop better conditioning throughout their life. That's one part of the key to living a healthy life. The other part is what and how they eat.
Get into the habit of Cooking at home and eat meals together as a family. I realize it's hard because of work and stress. It's also a matter of developing habits that have been lost. We need to go back a generation or two where our parents and grandparents had regular family meals together. Studies have shown that when families eat together and the meal is home-cooked, the healthier it is overall.
We need to take control now. Otherwise we'll end up with what is termed the next evolution of humans - homo obesus - as termed by Dr. G.N. Chaldakov in a study published by the journal Current Pharmaceutical Design (Volume 13). He coined this term because many obese humans are losing their ability to regulate their metabolic functions. What may happen is that these humans may eventually pass this down to future generations epigenetically (where genes are expressed from external influences).
You have the ability to make a difference in your own family and even encourage others to do the same. Here are some exercises that are fun that will challenge your physical body:
1. Bear crawls. This is where you walk by using your hands and feet and moving forward. It may be hard for you, but your children may dive right into it. Make it especially fun if you include as part of a race game.
2. Crab walks. This time you are again on all fours, but your back is facing the ground. You can also do the same as the bear crawl and make it into a game.
3. Playing TAG. This is great for challenging moveMent and endurance. Not only are you running, you also move from side to side to avoid being tagged.
4. If you have a local playground at a park, see if they have monkey bars. These will help build upper body strength.
5. Bicycle riding. Having a family bike ride is great to get out and see the sights and get exercise too.
6. Bunny hops. These will challenge your legs and get you exhausted.
These were only a few of many different exercises that you can do that are fun. Think of some more yourself. Get you and your family moving, okay? Heck, you might even get your neighborhood involved.
Eat high quality Foods. That includes good protein like Fish and chicken breast (organic is preferred), whole grains Foods, fruit, and vegetables. Make sure you eat a good breakFast with your family. Dinner should be mostly vegetables. There are even recipes that make good food enjoyable to eat.
Finally, have a lot of fun with your family. That's important for you and for them.
Getting Fit With Your Children and Help to Stop Obesity in Its Track